Please meet the WP Leaders of WP0 “Project management and common dissemination”!


Work Package 0 of the Clean Propulsion Technologies project focuses on efficient management and common dissemination of the project and on helping the other WPs and industrial projects to fulfill their objectives during the project execution. Common reporting and project administration as well as internal and external dissemination of the project belong to the WP0 activities.

M. Sc. (econ.) Development Manager Merja Kangasjärvi (previously Pakkanen) has been working at the University of Vaasa for her whole career – since 1998. She has an extensive experience of managing energy related research and development projects, her own expertise being in energy related consumer behavior. She has also been a Team Leader in her previous unit at the University of Vaasa and had responsibilities on financial administration. She transferred to Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre VEBIC, University of Vaasa, two years ago and took a responsibility of operative project management. In Clean Propulsion Technologies, she acts as the Project Manager for the project and she coordinates everyday business of the project in the operative, managerial, and secretariat roles.

M. Sc. (econ.) Project Researcher Aino Myllykangas has worked in VEBIC for two years. Her work includes project communication, coordination, and research in several external-funded projects. Myllykangas graduated with a master’s degree in marketing from the University of Vaasa in December 2020. Myllykangas works as a communicator coordinator and supports Kangasjärvi in the project’s internal and external communication and coordinator activities with a particular focus on creating content for communication channels.

The main purpose of WP0 is to support other CPT work packages so they can focus on their core competencies. Therefore, co-operation with different work packages is active and common practices are constantly being developed. Kangasjärvi and Myllykangas are very closely collaborating with the Project Leader Maciej Mikulski.

WP0 helps to create cooperation between consortium partners by organizing meetings and events on regular basis. Preparing the consortium agreement, publishing the project website, arranging the work of the steering group and the project committee, as well as organizing the first project-level event in Vaasa in November 2021, are some examples of some of the most time-consuming tasks to date.

“I have been involved in Clean Propulsion Technologies for a long time, since I was already writing the application with this awesome consortium”, says Kangasjärvi. “I think the most exciting thing about this project is the consortium behind it, as we are combining the top-level expertise of so many research organizations and companies to achieve great results together.”