GHG emission reduction measures and alternative fuels in different shipping segments and time horizons – A Delphi study

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Hellström, M., Rabetino, R., Schwartz, H., Tsvetkova, A., Ul Haq, S. H. GHG emission reduction measures and alternative fuels in different shipping segments and time horizons – A Delphi study. Marine Policy, Volume 160, 2024.



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The bodies governing the global maritime industry have set short- and long-term targets for reducing GHG emissions from shipping. Various emission abatement measures exist, but their applicability in different contexts widely varies. The situation is unclear, especially for the so-called alternative fuels. These fuels hold the biggest emission reduction potential. Conversely, they are expensive, and the feasibility of investments in those technologies has high uncertainty. Despite a growing body of knowledge on the characteristics and potential of alternative fuels, no consensus exists as to which fuels would be best for each segment of the maritime industry – in the near future and the long run. We contribute with a Delphi study to fill this gap. Our results pinpoint the differences between the shipping segments and the short- and long-term choices for alternative fuels.