The X PTNSS International Congress on Combustion Engines, Wroclaw, Poland 21-23 June 2023


On June 19th-21st, 2023, the Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines PTNSS), in collaboration with the Division of Automotive Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, organized the jubilee X International Congress on Combustion Engines in Wroclaw, Poland.

The congress, organized biennially, has gained international significance, highlighting the need for a regular debate over the development of combustion engines and alternative powertrains (electric, hybrid, fuel-cells), fuels, batteries and propulsion systems, GHG and pollutants emissions reduction in EU, USA and Asia not only among technology experts but also experts in the field of environmental protection, medicine, social and economic sciences, legal studies and politics.

The congress theme, „Quo Vadis, Combustion Engine?”, was in line with widely expected sustainable actions. Finding the answer to the question above was possible through a broad exchange of knowledge and experience between specialists representing science, research and industry. The organizer and chairman of the panel sessions of this congress, where key-note papers were presented by the best speakers/environment and powertrain experts from the EU, USA and Japan, was Piotr Bielaczyc, Chair of the CPT Advisory Board. Maciej Mikulski, CPT Project leader, presented his keynote among others titled: “Development trends of NRMM and Marine Propulsion in Light of the CPT Achievements”. Piotr Bielaczyc also presented the keynote titled: “Green Deal, Fit for 55, Euro 7 impact on Energy Security, GHG Emissions reduction and Vehicular Propulsion Technology Development in EU and Globally” and took part at the debate: “Quo Vadis Combustion Engine”.

The list of speakers and the program of the congress can be found at:

The participants of the congress agreed with the opinion of Piotr Bielaczyc, who paraphrased the famous sentence of Mark Twain that “the reports of ICE engines ‘death are greatly exaggerated”.