Clean Propulsion Technologies consortium got together for the 3rd CPT review meeting


Last week Clean Propulsion Technologies consortium got together for the 3rd CPT review meeting that was organised at Tampere University. The conference was attended by over 60 participants and almost all consortium partners were represented.

The conference consisted of two plenary sessions, three technical sessions, and visits to Tampere University’s Heavy lab and Electrified autonomous work machines as well as AGCO Powers Research and Advances Engineering company tour. In addition, the conference dinner brought the participants together to enjoy excellent food.

In plenary session 1, Advisory board chairman Piotr Bielaczyc from BOSMAL gave a comprehensive keynote speech about Green Deal, Fit for 55, Euro 7/VII impact on energy security, GHG emissions reduction and propulsion technology development in the EU. In plenary session 2, company partners Wärtsilä and AGCO Power and research institutes VTT, University of Vaasa, and Tampere University presented the status update about the final demonstrations of the CPT project. Plenary session 2 ended with a panel discussion, where the session speakers answered questions about demos and project experiences from the host and the audience.

The Technical session presentations signal that the project has progressed according to plans. Some significant results have already been achieved and more will be achieved during the last 9 months of the project. After each presentation, the audience asked the speakers good and relevant questions, and interesting discussions continued after the sessions ended.

Many thanks to all participants of the event! The fourth and last event of the project will be organized at the end of 2023. Part of the event will also be open to the general public – follow the project’s social media for more information.

In the main picture Plenary session 2 panel: Jyrki Tammisto (TAU), Michaela Hissa (UVA), Petri Söderena (VTT), Pekka Nousiainen, (AGCO Power), and Jari Hyvönen (Wärtsilä). Find more pictures at the end of the post.

The topics and hosts of the plenary sessions and technical sessions and are listed below.

Plenary session 1

Host: Petteri Multanen, TAU


  • Maciej Mikulski, UVA: Opening
  • Petteri Multanen, TAU: Welcome to Tampere University
  • Piotr Bielaczyc, BOSMAL: Green Deal, Fit for 55, Euro 7/VII impact on energy security, GHG emissions reduction and propulsion technology development in the EU


Technical session 1, Engine and aftertreatment

Host: Petri Söderena, VTT


  • Tino Tuominen, VTT: Potential of CDA in EAT thermal control
  • Teemu Ovaska, UVA: Effect of post-fuel injection on the exhaust aftertreatment system of a high-speed non-road diesel engine
  • Jeyoung Kim, UVA: Variable valve actuation for efficient exhaust thermal management in off-road diesel engines
  • Paulo Santochi Pereira da Silva, ÅAU: RCCI model tuning using surrogate optimization​​​​

Technical session 2, Spray and combustion modelling
Host: Maciej Mikulski, UVA


  • Stanislau Stasheuski, Aalto: Simulation of in-nozzle flows
  • Aneesh Vasudev and Alireza Kakoee, UVA: A fully predictive quasi-dimensional model for RCCI combustion simulations
  • Qiang Cheng, Aalto: Progress in W31 injector spray measurements
  • Amin Modabberian, Aalto & Xiaoguo Storm, UVA: Predictive modeling and control of RCCI engines


Technical session 3, Beyond advanced powertrains

Host: Pasi Peltoniemi, LUT


  • Magnus Hellström, ÅAU: Towards a roadmap for clean propulsion technologies
  • Subhadyuti Sahoo, Aalto: Towards Estimation of Energy Consumption in Wheel-Loaders
  • Anna Tupitsina, LUT: The choice between topologies for hybrid work machines
  • Matti Linjama, TAU: Experiences in modelling of hybrid wheel loader
  • Axel Waris, ÅAU: Impact of engine type on speed optimization of cruise ships

Plenary session 2, Towards the final CPT demonstrators

Host: Maciej Mikulski, UVA


  • Jari Hyvönen, Wärtsilä: Review of status in Wärtsilä CPT industrial research projects
  • Pekka Nousiainen, AGCO Power: Review of status in AGCO Power industrial research project
  • Petri Söderena, VTT: Towards hydrogen fueled NRMM engines
  • Michaela Hissa, Emma Söderäng, Pauli Valkjärvi, UVA: Mid-speed RCCI engine demo – project status and experimental plans towards 2024
  • Jyrki Tammisto, TAU: sWille – hybrid mobile working machine