A new project-related Master’s thesis “Integrated Data Acquisition for State-of-the-Art Large-Bore Engine Test Cell”


Pauli Valkjärvi’s Master’s thesis Integrated Data Acquisition for State-of-the-Art Large-Bore Engine Test Cell has been completed at the University of Vaasa. The work was done as part of the Clean Propulsion Technologies project’s work package 3 ‘Novel combustion and advanced aftertreatment’, and more specifically, Task 3.3 ‘Mid-speed RCCI engine demo’.

The goal of Valkjärvi’s thesis was to design and implement a new data acquisition system suitable for the large-bore RCCI test bench in the University of Vaasa’s VEBIC engine laboratory. The test bench was instrumented with new sensors, analyzers, and data acquisition hardware. In addition, proper data storing workflow was developed for the system.

“I really enjoyed studying the topic from literature and then using the knowledge in practice shortly after.  I also found it very interesting to work in the laboratory environment” says Valkjärvi.

According to Valkjärvi the amount of new knowledge and skills he had to adopt during the process was larger than he imagined at first. In addition, selecting and purchasing the correct instruments and devices for the project was a challenging task.

The system implemented in the thesis will later be used to conduct measurements in the Clean Propulsion Technologies project as well as other following projects. After his graduation, Valkjärvi continues to work at the University of Vaasa as a laboratory engineer.