Get to know WP3 “Regulations and Feasibility of Multi-fuel Combinations”

Decarbonizing the marine and off-road sectors requires embracing all new zero-carbon fuel options like hydrogen and ammonia, alongside more mature low-carbon choices such as methane, methanol, ethanol and bio- and renewable diesels. WP3 “Regulations and Feasibility of Multi-fuel Combinations” aims to study the feasibility and usability of these fuels.

The objectives of WP3 are to define a unified LCA methodology for assessing the product life-cycle impact of new fuels in marine and non-road engine applications and to study the CO2 abatement costs of different fuel options. It also aims to study the most feasible way to install carbon capture units in an internal combustion engine-based powertrain. With regard to fuel handling, WP3 seeks to find solutions for the complementary storing and handling of carbon neutral fuels in both marine and in non-road fuel handling systems without major hardware changes. Lastly, the ignition and combustion of certain fuels will be studied with the aim of developing new metrics to evaluate combustion properties of specific fuel combinations and to find good ignition improvers for certain fuels and engine concepts.

– In a situation where we urgently need to find solutions for a more sustainable future, the most exiting thing is that we are focusing on studying the real impact of these solutions, both from the chemical and technical side as well as from the economical side. In addition to the research content, it is really inspiring to work in a network with broad expertise in the field and work towards the common target, says WP3 leader Katriina Sirviö.

So far, the work has mainly focused on unionizing the group members, dividing responsibilities and agreeing on the use of common methods and data, for example in LCA work. In addition to that, experimental work in fuel blending and combustion studies has started. WP3 team has also received a wealth of valuable information from the Flex-CPT companies to fine tune the research plans. Clear links and dependencies with other work packages have been identified, e.g. fuel analyses in WP3 will guide the planning of engine experiments in WP2 “Multi-fuel Combustion – High Speed”. Task leaders Anders Brink and Mika Huuhtanen also have responsibilities in other work packages which benefits the collaboration between the WPs.

In addition to leading WP3, Sirviö is actively involved in Flex-CPT’s fuel research. Her team works in the University of Vaasa’s Fuel laboratory, with doctoral students handling the analyses.

Sirviö holds a master’s degree in chemistry and a doctoral degree in energy technology. With nearly 15 years of experience working with fuels, her focus has primarily been on fuels suitable for diesel engines. Her current research delves into the feasibility and usability of various fuel options, including regulations, fuel properties, blending, material compatibility, and combustion studies. The Flex-CPT project gives her the opportunity to expand her knowledge in these areas.

Figure 1. Senior Researcher Katriina Sirviö works in University of Vaasa’s Fuel laboratory (main figure).

Figure 2. The fuel laboratory is well equipped, a flash point analyzer in the picture.

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