15 Oct Effect of late diesel injection on close-coupled SCR + ASC during DPF regeneration period
Future emission limits (Stage 6) for off-road engines will require more efficient removal of nitrogen oxides. The dual-SCR...
Future emission limits (Stage 6) for off-road engines will require more efficient removal of nitrogen oxides. The dual-SCR...
Emissions regulations are driving interest in hybrid electric vehicles, where multiple energy sources with several powertrain topology choices...
Model-based calibration of high-efficient reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engines popularly rely on chemical-kinetics based multizone models (MZM)...
Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is a promising new combustion technology for marine applications. It has offered the potential...
The reduction of emissions from shipping is necessary to combat climate change. One viable option is to change...
This paper presents a comprehensive investigation into the design of a methane oxidation catalyst aftertreatment system specifically tailored...
Exhaust thermal management (ETM) is crucial for effective emission mitigation in integrated exhaust aftertreatment systems of modern off-road...
In this paper, real-time weather and ship data will be used for mathematical modeling and cruise ship speed...
The increase of popularity of reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is attributed to its capability of achieving ultra-low nitrogen...
The study investigates the environmental impacts of electric city buses based on the storage technologies applied and the...
In the context of the ongoing green transition within the maritime sector, this study seeks to explore the...
The bodies governing the global maritime industry have set short- and long-term targets for reducing GHG emissions from...
Päästöjen vähentäminen tulee olemaan yksi työkoneteollisuutta ohjaavista tekijöistä tulevaisuudessa. Sähköistäminen, hybridisaatio sekä vaihtoehtoiset polttoaineet nähdään helposti toteutettavina ratkaisuina...
Besides favoring carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction, Hydrogen (H2) admixture in conventional combustion engines shows benefit of improved performance...
This thesis concerns computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of an internal combustion engine (ICE). The aim is to...
Model-based design is proven to be essential for the development of control systems. This paper presents a real-time...
The increasing demand of lowering the emissions of the combustion engines has led to the development of more...
Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) technology has gained in popularity due to its ability to achieve low level...
Chemical-kinetics-based multizone models (MZM) are effective tools for performance-oriented simulations of low-temperature combustion concepts. It demonstrates a better...
This paper proposes formulating conceptual-stage vessel design optimization problems as geometric programs, which can be transformed into convex...
A surrogate-based optimization routine is coupled with a Multi-Zone Model (MZM) for optimizing the combustion efficiency of a...
PhD student Jeyouong Kim presented a poster 'Towards next-generation sustainable marine propulsion system with fuel-flexible reactivity-controlled compression ignition...
Battery-hybrid power source architectures can reduce fuel consumption and emissions for ships with diverse operation profiles. However, conventional...
The Jan/Feb 2023 issue of The Motorship contained an article about the Clean Propulsion Technologies project. In the...
Researchers Xiaoguo Storm, Aneesh Vasudev & Amir-Mohammad Shamekhi presented a poster ‘Control-oriented Modeling Toolchain for Reactivity Controlled Compression...
Over the coming decades, maritime transportation will transition from fossil hydrocarbon fuels to hydrogen, ammonia, and synthetic hydrocarbon...
Tässä opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin osana non-road-työkoneiden dieselmoottoreiden pakokaasujen puhdistusjärjestelmää toimivan SCR-järjestelmän mitoitusperiaatteita, jotta voitiin tutkia, voidaanko nykyistä tekniikkaa hyödyntämällä...
Internal combustion engines will have an important role on a road to decarbonization and a sustainable powertrain system...
In this work neural network models are used to reconstruct in-cylinder pressure from a vibration signal measured from...
With low-temperature combustion engine research reaching an applicable level, physics-based control-oriented models regain attention. For reactivity controlled combustion...
To reach close to zero tailpipe NOx emissions, a double-SCR (selective catalytic reduction) system is proposed. In that, the...
Coordinated control of combustion engine-based power plants with battery storage is the next big thing for optimising renewable...
Työssä tutkitaan dieselmoottorin muodostaman vääntö- ja nopeusvärähtelyn kompensointia, eli vaimentamista, samalle akselille asennettavaa sähkökonetta hyödyntäen. Työ toteutettiin osana...
World’s population is increasing, resulting in significant issues such as climate change and global warming. These issues damage...
The shipping and cruising industry is considered one of the most important and cheapest transportation, however, it is...
Doctoral student Michaela Hissa & Project researcher Jeyoung Kim presented a poster 'Our goal: a clean, green, ultra-efficient...
Project researchers Aneesh Vaseudev & Saana Hautala presented a poster 'Towards fully predictive engine-modelling in Clean Propulsion Technologies'...
Many researchers believe multi-zone (MZ), chemical kinetics–based models are proven, essential toolchains for development of low-temperature combustion (LTC)...
Impositions of increasingly stringent restrictions on the harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from combustion engines have popularized...
Researcher Saana Hautala presented the paper Towards a digital twin of a mid-speed marine engine: from detailed 1D...
We present a novel convex optimisation model for ship speed profile optimisation under varying environmental conditions, with a...
The Feb 2021 issue of The Motorship contained an article about the Clean Propulsion Technologies project. In the...
Project leader of Clean Propulsion Technologies, Professor Maciej Mikulski introduced the project and the consortium as an invited...